Aromatherapy 101: Use Scented Candles to Boost Your Mood

woman holding candles and blowing candles
Your sense of smell is thought to be the strongest of all senses when it comes to recalling memories
In fact, your emotions may actually be manipulated through your scent memories and trigger changes in your mood. The act of using scents as a mood enhancer or relaxant is called aromatherapy, and you don't need to be an expert to use it. 
From essential oils in diffusers to a beautifully scented candle, you can tap into the art of aromatherapy in the comfort of your home and experience the benefits of this ancient practice.
Want to know how to utilize aromatherapy candles for mood-balancing? Follow along to discover our favourite scented candles in Australia and which fragrance to use for your needs. 

Energize and Revive

We love birdsong to start the day too, but when you've been woken up at 5 am by their chirping, 3 pm meets you like a brick wall.

To perk your mornings up or get you out of that sleepy funk, turn to scented candles that contain fragrances like peppermint or citrus. Both of these beautiful smells promote a boost in energy and vigour to tackle the day. 

Pick up a minty fresh reviver or opt for a Persian Lime and Lemongrass scented candle for a vegan-friendly alternative.

A man lighting a candle with a lavender scent

Relax and Rejuvenate

When you're looking to wind down in the bath after a long day or get back to sleep on a restless night, look no further than the gentle soothing aroma of lavender and sandalwood. 

Lavender has even been thought to help reduce anxiety and stress. Not a fan of a home filled with flowers? Bring in the woodsy smell of sandalwood for grounding and calming and to help settle even the craziest of children for bedtime. 

Keep a relaxing scented candle near your bed for those long nights or strike a match after dinner to help you wind down and let go of your hectic day.

Concentration and Focus

Having trouble staying on task? Bring a diffuser or aromatherapy candles to the office and get in the zone with scents of rosemary, sage, and eucalyptus. 

These scents have been thought to assist with study habits in individuals with ADD or ADHD and let the mind narrow in on the task at hand. With scents being a trigger for memories, you may even find your topics easier to remember when your body subconsciously links the scent with the activity. 

a scented candle burning in the office space, next to a woman working on a computer

The Perfect Gift

Know a superstar that could do with a little extra comfort and love? Put your aromatherapy knowledge to work by choosing a relaxing scented candle for mum or help lift her spirits with an energizing blast. 

With such a personal touch, she'll love the thought and effort you put into a special mood enhancer for her needs. 

Use A Scented Candle For Aromatherapy

From fruity and bright to floral relaxation, you can use these key aromatherapy mood-setters to turn your home into the comforting den you deserve. Light your hand-picked scented candle and melt your worries away.

Want the best scented candles Australia has to offer? Shop our selection of aromatherapy candles today and take home top-quality aromas for you and your family. 

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