Candle Care: Top 4 Tips and Tricks

Scented candles illuminate our spaces with ambience and warmth, and fill the air with gorgeous fresh fragrances.

However, to ensure you get the most out of them, proper candle maintenance is essential. 

In our handy candle care guide below, we’ll explore the top four candle care tips and candle accessories to use to help you enhance your candle burning experience…

1. How to Use a Wick Trimmer

Investing in a good quality candle wick trimmer is the key to maintaining your candles and ensuring a soot-free efficient burn.

Wick trimming prevents excessive smoke and promotes a more controlled flame, reducing the risk of fire hazards. It can also help to remove any debris or carbon buildup, keeping your candles clean and looking pristine.

Before you start, make sure that your candle is cool and has not been recently burned (as trimming a hot wick can cause the wick to bend or break). If the wick looks long, charred or mushroom-shaped, it’s the perfect time to trim.

Position your wick trimmer at a 45-degree angle above the candle's surface, with the bottom of the trimmer resting against the wax. Gently insert the wick into the opening, approximately ¼ inch above the surface of the wax, and snip. And be sure to pick out any cut wick remnants before lighting the candle next.

2. How to Burn a Candle Evenly

Simply burning a candle is not quite as straightforward as it might seem. To maximise the lifespan of your candles, it's crucial to burn them evenly from the first use. 

Firstly, did you know that candle wax has a memory? Basically, a candle will remember where it was burnt up to the first time you lit it and will only ever burn up to the point it was last extinguished at. So, when burning your candle for the first time, allow it to burn until the wax melts evenly across the entire surface and reaches the edges of the jar or container. This usually takes about 1-2 hours depending on the size of the candle. 

Another trick is to allow your candle to burn uniformly for as long as possible, or more specifically, as long as its size dictates. The general rule is at least one hour per inch of diameter. So, if your candle has a 3-inch diameter, let it burn for a minimum of 3 hours.

If you notice the candle burning unevenly anyway, you can always gently rotate it every few hours to encourage an even wax pool. This will help distribute the fragrance and heat evenly. 

Also, always remember to sit your candle away from drafty areas, such as open windows or air vents, as these can cause the flame to flicker and create an uneven pool.

3. How to Fix Candle Tunneling

Candle tunneling happens when only the wax around the wick melts down, forming a tunnel-like hole in the centre of the candle. It often occurs when the candle hasn’t been left to burn for long enough or when the wick is too short.

The best way to prevent tunneling is to trim the wicks to the right length (as mentioned earlier). If the wick doesn’t seem to be the issue, however, there are other tips we recommend you try.

One method is to put a piece of foil around the top of the candle, leaving an opening for the wick. This will create a heat barrier that will help melt the wax more evenly. Remove the foil after 15 to 20 minutes or when the wax pool reaches the edge of the candle.

Another way is to use a metal spoon or small spatula to scoop out the excess wax around the wick. This creates space for the wick to burn and reduces the risk of tunneling.

Or if you already have a tunneled candle, you can fix it by slowly melting the wax around the edges using a gentle heat source like a hairdryer.

4. How to Put Out a Candle

Properly extinguishing a candle is just as important as lighting it. Blowing out a flame (or flames for candles with multiple wicks) might be the easiest way to do it, but it can cause the hot wax to splatter, smoke to get in your eyes and a burn smell in the air.

Before putting out the candle, make sure the area around it is clear of any flammable materials and that there are no drafts nearby.

Then it’s time to use a candle snuffer. Hold the snuffer above the wick and gently lower it until the flame is fully extinguished. Alternatively, you can use a wick dipper to extinguish the flame. Use the tool to dip the wick into the melted wax around it then quickly lift it back up. This method suffocates the flame without creating a mess.

Candle care is essential for maintaining the longevity and quality of your candles. By following these four simple tips, you can ensure a clean and consistent burn every time. Here at Nerridah & Ross, we stock a bunch of different candle tools like wick trimmers, lighters and a candle care kit. Browse our full collection online today!

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